Is South East Asia moving away from Death Penalty ?

10 Octobre : World and European Day against Death Penalty

PNG The Philippines is one of the 139 countries in the world that have abolished the death penalty. In 2006, the Philippine Congress re-abolished the death penalty when President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo commuted the death sentences of 1,230 death row inmates to life imprisonment. In Singapore courts will be given more discretion in its application of the death penalty potentially altering the destiny of 35 prisoner’s currently awaiting execution. Would Indonesia also be ready to reevaluate its stand on the practice of death penalty ? Join the EU in world marking against the Death Penalty 10 October.

Read the latest Amnesty International "Death Sentences and Executions" –report (2012) and ask yourself whether we are possible witnessing a change, regionally as well as globally, in the attitude towards death penalty :

Dernière modification : 01/04/2019

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